Refractory Vibrator
Dry Vibratable Refractory Installation Vibrator
Capital Refractories and Refractory Installation Vibrators
Pneumatic Internal Former Vibrators - Self Rotating
Installation using the Capital Refractories vibrator gives a denser, more consistent, and more repeatable installation. Mechanization reduces the effect of different installers and by eliminating the need for spiking between layers, means less likelihood of lamination, and potential tearing the mica sheet, both of which can lead to metal penetration.
These installation vibrators from Capital Refractories make quick work of a dry vibratable lining installation. Rather than course after course of spiking and ramming:
Simply fill the furnace to the top with dry powder
Initiate the vibrating sequence
Be done in just a few minutes rather than a few hours
Many sizes are available. Most models are adjustable to allow the use of a single vibrator for multiple furnace sizes.
Capital Refractories Vibration Equipment
Simple to Use
Fully Pneumatic Operation
Low Maintenance
Adjustable Diameter for Multiple Furnace Sizes From One Unit
Many References Available
Also available in floor vibration models