So, we all complained when business was slow. We had to get rid of people. We got rid of the chaff, the employees that weren’t top notch, but we “kept our key personnel”. Well, I have spoken to many of you and you are busy again, trying to hire, and maybe having a difficult time of it. Is it a time when you would like to have some of those not so top notch employees back?
We all know that business is cyclical.
If you have been in business any time at all, you know that there are good times and bad. Well, times are pretty good. However, we are having a hard time hiring labor. It’s not that they are not available. National unemployment is still 8.7%. Good grief, you should all be overwhelmed with new hires or at least applicants. But you are not. Unfortunately, our government has extended unemployment benefits such that these folks flat don’t have to work, make as much money not working, and frankly would rather watch the last episodes of Oprah than work for you.
So, what do you do.
- Take care of who you have. People are a tremendous investment. It takes a lot of time and money to train even a grinder. So, if you have good people, focus on taking care of them. Why? So they don’t go elsewhere. Is it cheaper to pay your people a little more money or to start over with a new employee (if you can find them).
- Be more creative about where you hire. I know you all use employment services. Have you contacted your local prison to see about a day labor program? I know there are states that will personally deliver a van full of ready and able men to work in your foundry. Often, all you have to do is ask. How about former military? Look for groups that help hire veterans. Try to hire a wounded soldier. Why? They know how to conduct war, they show up for work, they have integrity, and they need jobs. Expand your search to more than simply hiring a warm body off the street.
- Automate. Here is the salesman in me talking now… Well if you can’t find labor, call Del Sol (830-935-4430). Let us help put equipment that does not get tired in place of humans that do get tired or you can’t hire anyway.
- Need a grinder? We sell them and they don’t talk back. They also grind every casting exactly the same.
- Need to replace a worn out molder? We sell molding machines for the task.
- How about automated molding, pattern changing, cutoff, blast loading, etc. Many of these tasks are easily automated and replace human positions.
Okay – enough selling. Take care of your existing personnel. It is getting hot. Pay them better. Pay them on performance. Allow them to get ahead while you are getting ahead. Find better labor pools. Consider automation. Grow. Don’t be afraid to grow. We see many foundries that have survived this last turn down getting close to capacity. I hear “we are waiting to see what happens”. It has happened. It is busy, getting busier, and if you aren’t adding capacity, your neighbor is.
If we can help in any way, let us know. 830-935-4430
Lee White
Del Sol Industrial Services, Inc.