Bad Fish
A moral and ethical approach to business.
What is Bad Fish?
Del Sol Industrial Services, Inc. is a hard working company that is committed to honoring God in our labor and actions. In turn, He has blessed us as we look to Him for guidance in our business and everyday lives. The ancient symbol for Christianity is an Ichthys (fish). You will see that we use the fish symbol in some of the marketing aspects of Del Sol Industrial Services, Inc.
Why Bad Fish and not Good Fish?
We are realists. While we try our best, but we fail sometimes. We strive for perfection, yet are imperfect.
Fish? Yes. All good? No. But we keep BAD FISH it is!!!!
Bad Fish 101
What is Bad Fish about? Why risk a formal corporate image? What is the point? We would like to let this page serve as a brief introduction to what a Bad Fish is, what a Bad Fish is about, and why we choose to reveal our Bad Fish side.
1) Del Sol Industrial Services, Inc. was not founded as a Christian business but has become one over time. To be open and up front about this...this reason that Del Sol exists and has prospered is because of God and our willingness to serve Him as he leads. This happened before we knew it was happening. So what does that have to do with Bad Fish? An ancient symbol for Christianity is an Ichthys, a fish. You will see that we display this symbol on our business cards and on our website. We went from the nice fish (like the kind you see on the back of someone's car), to a tribal version of this fish (occasionally seen on someone's car), to BAD FISH. That explains the fish, what about the bad? We are not perfect. Though we try every day, we will fail - hence the bad - but we keep on trying. What is our measure? The word of God. That is the only reliable measure we can use to gage whether or not we are doing our best. If this is a new subject for you, the books of Matthew and Deuteronomy in the bible are a good place to start as to how we are measured and to what measure we check ourselves against. There are many more references of measure in the Bible, but these two are good starting points.
2) Bad Fish work hard and do the best we can every day.
3) Bad Fish are honest. While we are a manufacturing, sales, and distribution company, the information we present and products we sell are items that we stand behind. We will never tell you or try to sell you something in any form of a false way. We believe in the who and what we sell. We do our best every day to be honest and direct with our customers relative to our capabilities and the capabilities of the products we sell.
4) Bad Fish wants to have a little fun. Often in the corporate world, companies settle into boring routines, language that says absolutely nothing, and programs that are supposed to create goodwill but are generally just a waste of time. Bad Fish is a way that we can have a little fun in business, take off the corporate armor, and just say what needs to be said.
5) Bad Fish is about a high level of customer service. We are in existence due to exactly two things - OUR CUSTOMERS and the LORD. We are grateful for both.
6) Bad Fish like to think outside the box. If you want a "me too" solution, you have come to the wrong place. We believe in traditional and straightforward approaches and we consider ourselves old school in many respects. We also believe that there are often better ways to do things than "this is the way we have always done it". Bad Fish try new things. Bad Fish are unafraid to return to a basic way of doing business. Bad Fish like the challenge of helping our customers get better. Del Sol Industrial Services, Inc. has survived and thrived by not taking the common approach. We specialize in fixing the things that others consider "normal".
7) Bad Fish are on time and do what they say they are going to do.
8) Bad Fish think that a flat roof on any building is a really bad idea. When we design, we will never draw a flat roof.
9) Bad Fish welcome feedback from our customers (good and bad). On that subject, if the folks in our office take really good care of you, please let them know. Even Bad Fish need a complement every now and then.
10) Bad Fish are technical experts. We tell folks that we are not "pizza and doughnut salesmen". Bad Fish have an expertise, a talent, something to say and add to a conversation. If we are not an expert on something, we bring in that expert so that you are very well taken care of by technically sharp people and companies.
11) Bad Fish are prepared.
12) Bad Fish enjoy a challenge.
13) Bad Fish pay their bills on time prospering good vendor relationships and loyalty. We also expect the same of our customers. The Bible clearly says, "pay a man his wages."
14) Bad Fish won't do something that risks your business or ours. Life is risky enough. Why risk failure when carefully calculated solutions are available?
15) Bad Fish give back to the world that has given them so much. Not only in taking care of our customers, but also our community. Where Bad Fish reside, there is a spirit of volunteerism and growth. We really do try to help people in our daily lives with money, time, and effort. We tithe, we mentor, and we help others.
16) Bad Fish are a community. We run with other Bad Fish. We believe strongly in getting great people and companies around us. We can say that since our inception, companies that we represent have come and gone depending on how they fit in with a Bad Fish lifestyle.
Would you like to be a Bad Fish? Join us in making the world a Bad Fish kind of place.